When God Doesn’t Take Away OCD
Denea . Denea .

When God Doesn’t Take Away OCD

I was diagnosed with OCD when I was 35. One reason it took so long to receive a diagnosis is because I felt ashamed to deal with OCD. I felt ashamed and thought that battling OCD made me a “bad Christian”. Maybe I needed to be more disciplined in what I thought about or have stronger faith that the OCD would go away. I thought “if my faith is strong enough, God will take the OCD away.” I didn’t want to tell anyone because I didn’t want to be judged. When I finally told my therapist, who was a Christian too, she helped me see just because God hadn’t taken away the OCD, it didn’t mean I was a “bad Christian”. It didn’t mean I wasn’t praying hard enough or needed to believe harder for God to heal me. She helped me untangle the webs of shame and embarrassment so that I could start focusing on coping skills and techniques.

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Why I’m Glad to be A Sensitive Person
Denea . Denea .

Why I’m Glad to be A Sensitive Person

In retrospect, I wonder when did being sensitive get a bad reputation and why does being sensitive tend to make others uncomfortable? After all, Jesus showed us how to use gifts like sensitivity, empathy and compassion for the Kingdom of God.

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A Mom with Autism
Denea . Denea .

A Mom with Autism

I remember one day having the thought “this is why I put off taking care of myself as an autistic individual”. I was in the middle of autism shutdown, which means I’d had multiple sensory meltdowns back-to back and now at the point where I was having trouble speaking. I felt so frustrated, bitter and discouraged. And I heard God say “but you’re worth it”.

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Practicing Contentment
Denea . Denea .

Practicing Contentment

The message of “more equals happiness” is everywhere. It’s easy to see marketing that suggests that if your kids had one more toy, they’d be happier. Or if you just achieve one more goal, you’d be a happier person. The problem with this is, it’s not true. More of anything doesn’t necessarily mean you will be fulfilled or happier. That’s because we weren’t created to be fulfilled by possessions. We were created to be fulfilled by God. But what does it mean to be content? And how do we practice contentment in our everyday lives?

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When You Don’t Know the Next Step to Take
Denea . Denea .

When You Don’t Know the Next Step to Take

Here’s the truth that makes not knowing what the next step will be really tough: we are not called to know what comes next but to believe in God’s Holiness. And honestly, that’s really tough. If you’re a planner like me, you not only like to know what comes next but all of the details that come along with the next step. Preparation is apart of being a good steward but at some point you and I have to walk in faith and believe that God is who he says he is. You and I have to come to the end of our capabilities and surrender to God’s Holiness.

What does God’s Holiness mean? According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of Holy is exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness. God is the only god and he is worthy of our complete devotion. He doesn’t lie and can be trusted (Hebrews 6:18). God’s Holiness means we can trust him even when we don’t know what’s coming next. When we find ourselves in the midst of the unknown, we have to go back to the character of God. In Psalms 99:9 it says “For the Lord our God is Holy.”

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When Your Hallelujah Feels Hollow.
Denea . Denea .

When Your Hallelujah Feels Hollow.

One of the things that I love about God, is that he doesn’t require us to feel like praising him. God knows that life can be tough sometimes. He doesn’t require us to be happy all of the time. Psalms 103:1 says “Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.” We were created to praise God. Why?

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3 Ways to Love Yourself As A Mother
Denea . Denea .

3 Ways to Love Yourself As A Mother

The demands of being a mom make it easy to not prioritize yourself. The constant physical, mental and emotional demands that require your attention can seem to takeover the need to love yourself. So how then do we love ourselves as moms? Here are 3 ways to love yourself as a mother:

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The Practice of Self- Acceptance
Denea . Denea .

The Practice of Self- Acceptance

The Bible says that “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” - Colossians 1:16. This is the truth: I was created intentionally by God and you were, too. This is not an invitation to take the challenges and obstacles we face on Earth lightly. Nor is this an invitation to stay stagnant and not want to develop in any areas of our lives. To me, practicing self-acceptance means that I’m not a mistake. Self-acceptance means that I believe there is a purpose behind my circumstances, even if I don’t see it yet. This can only be true when I believe that God truly does work all things for my good and His Glory.

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